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Financial Aid Request Form 2024-2025

It is Anshe Emet's policy to offer membership regardless of one's ability to pay the full amount of dues.  We will work with congregants to ensure they have a home in our shul.  After reviewing the fee schedule, please indicate an amount that is both meaningful and comfortable for your budget.

Please make sure to log in to your ShulCloud account in the top right hand corner of this screen before completing this form. Once your financial adjustment request is received and approved, you will be contacted for payment information and will be able to set up a monthly plan if desired.

Fee Schedule and High Holiday Seating Options

KAHOL/BLUE - Main Sanctuary and Balcony
Individual Membership: $1,900
Two Adult Membership: $3,250
This membership category provides Reserved Seating in the Main Sanctuary & Balcony for the High Holy Days. The members of the Clergy will rotate between the Sanctuary and Blum Community Hall throughout the High Holy Days and will be accompanied by a professional choir. 

YAROK/GREEN - Blum Community Hall
Individual Membership: Age 21-29 - $340; Age 30-35 - $1,100; 36 and older - $1,545
Two Adult Membership: Age 21-29 - $680; Age 30-35 - $1,775; 36 and older - $2,700
This membership category provides General Admission Seating in Blum Community Hall for the High Holy Days. The members of the Clergy will rotate between the Sanctuary and Blum Community Hall throughout the High Holy Days and will be accompanied by a professional choir. 

ADOM/RED - Rose Crown Minyan Lay Led Service (Location TBD)
Individual Membership: Age 21-29 - $340; Age 30-35 - $1,100; 36 and older - $1,545
Two Adult Membership: Age 21-29 - $680; Age 30-35 - $1,775; 36 and older - $2,700

This membership category provides general admission seating in the Rose Crown Minyan style service. This Service is a lay-led egalitarian minyan grounded in the traditional Hebrew liturgy.

SAGOL/PURPLE - Minyan Rimon Lay Led Service with no Amplification (Location TBD)
Individual Membership: Age 21-29 - $340; Age 30-35 - $1,100; 36 and older - $1,545
Two Adult Membership: Age 21-29 - $680; Age 30-35 - $1,775; 36 and older - $2,700
This membership category provides general admission seating in the Minyan Rimon service. This Service is a lay-led egalitarian minyan with added traditional Hebrew liturgy and no amplification.

*Age Categories are determined by the oldest member of the household's age

Numerical Values only.

Community Enhancing Opportunities (Optional)

Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785