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YAD Non Member High Holy Day Tickets 2024

YAD Nonaffiliated, Non-Member High Holiday Tickets 2024

The YAD High Holy Days tickets are for those 22-36 years of age who are NOT already Anshe Emet Synagogue members. If you are a member of Anshe Emet Synagogue, a ticket is part of your membership. If you would like to become a member, please contact Hannah Jarvis (

We will not mail tickets out - your tickets will be available at Will Call for pick up on the day of the holiday.

Tickets are $154.

Tickets for Rosh Hashanah will close on Friday, September 25th!


Service options:

    • Blum 
      • High Holidays in the Blum Social Hall are led by our clergy and a professional choir. It is open seating.
    • Balcony (sanctuary)
      • High Holidays in the main sanctuary and balcony are led by our clergy and a professional choir. YAD ticket holders will be sitting in the balcony. 
    • Malkov Style (Rose Crown) service in 4th floor gym 
      • Our warm & vibrant services, where dovening is lay-led and Anshe Emet's rabbis deliver D’vrei Torah and prayer introductions, is a welcoming prayer service designed to empower its participants. Page numbers will be announced at appropriate intervals, microphones will be used to make sure that the service is accessible, and the Lev Shalem machzor, which includes some transliteration, will be used.
    • Minyan Rimon 
      • This participatory, lay-led service, where both dovening and D’vrei Torah are provided by community members, is designed to facilitate a joyous prayer experience where previous knowledge of the service will prove helpful. Page numbers will be called and visually displayed for key prayers. Amplification will not be used. The Silverman Machzor, which does not include transliteration, but does highlight some additional prayers, will be utilized. Limited space avalible!

Tickets include all Holy Days. However, to best accommodate everybody, please let us know what days you will be here with us.

Wed, September 18 2024 15 Elul 5784